Thursday, June 12, 2014

                                          Angel Dreams
                          by Melissa and Doreen Virtue.
      I have always had an interest in why we dream, what do those dream symbolize, what to they mean, should I actually pay any attention to them?? Having studied dream logic and the like years ago, I never really felt satisfied with the theories and answers to my questions and my own interpretations. In this little book I felt an exuberant amount of joy and peace while read these pages. Melissa and Doreen go over all the details of dreams, from why we dream, to the symbolism of every day objects, animals, flowers, colors etc. The also so add the angelic realm’s use of our dreams (which is wonderful comfort). In addition to those elements I have list above, they offer techniques as to how to dream…yes we can control what, who, and how we dream. Technique for dream recall, lucid dreaming, past life dreaming, prophetic dreams, nightmares, flying and falling dreams. I must say that Melissa and Doreen saved the best for last, Angel Messages! I so loved this last and final chapter, taking great comfort in the fact that if we ask the angels with enter our dreams and send us messages, healing and love all while we sleep. It is easier for the angels to help while or conscious mind sleeps, but the angel can only do so when we ask. So ask often!!!! I have been sleeping so much better, longer and with deeper more restful sleep sense reading, applying these concepts, techniques and teachings. So thank you Doreen and Melissa for helping me heal in so many ways, go get you copy and start DREAMING!!!






FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.

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